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A day in the life of a homeschool mom with a passion for Jesus!

We are all told to live our lives to the fullest, and I am here to do just that. Barefoot Academy serves as a vessel to allow my passion for teaching, the love I have for my children and my relationship with Christ to all come together. Sure things get rocky, sometimes we have cereal for dinner or I hide in the bathroom for a much needed break with a hand full of M&m's. If you can relate to being imperfect, laughing and a love for God, you should sit back, relax, grab some coffee and read on.

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Hear It From Me

I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart. All of these elements brought me to start Barefoot Academy Va.. For years I've been wanting to homeschool my children, but for whatever reason life got in the way. Now as my dream has become a reality. I would like to share my journey with you.. This blog is for real moms just getting through the good, the bad and the chaotic. The days we smile, laugh and cry! This is mom life!!! To see what I’ve been up to, browse my site, learn about my passions, and explore what excites and interests you on the journey.

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Words to live by...

"Speak to your children as though they are the most creative, brilliant and beautiful people on earth. For what they believe they will become!"

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The battle of pops vs kids

Lets just say, there is nothing quite like a little nerf gun battle to end our night last night. I am quietly rearranging our kitchen all...

1 girl show

Hey y'all, Ever have one of those days when you finish your homeschool planning for the week and break out into a full on dance? Well, as...

Oreos in the bathroom anyone?

Hey y'all, as if homeschooling isnt enough to keep us mamas busy. We as moms always seem to be adding more to our over flowing plates....

Praying for the coming year

Hey y'all, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with the ones you love. Sharing the reason for the season with your family. Teaching...

Equally important

Good morning y'all, How many of you homeschool mamas out there are slowing down on work with the upcoming holidays? We haven't officially...

A new spin on Christmas snoopy

Hey y'all, Soooo, school is done. I did some projects for my little side hustle and after days of smelling that nasty dog smell I figured...

Out the window

Good morning y'all, This morning I woke up to the sound of sleet,rain on my old tin roof. What a peaceful sound that is. While some...

What will Santa bring this year?

Good morning y'all and Happy Saturday! What are your plans for the weekend? Are you doing something super exciting or are you like me and...

My pancake Christmas tree

Y'all I cant even right now! Lol Do you ever have those days where everything is going great? I was out Christmas shopping with my mama,...

Holiday traditions

Happy December y'all, I haven't been on here in a bit. With the holidays and visiting family. But I'm back! How were your Thanksgiving...

Just a little wrinkle

Good morning y'all, So today I head home after spending sometime with friends. Isnt it funny no matter how much fun you have, it always...

KitKat in the bathroom

Happy Friday y'all, We made it through another week! Whether this week had moments where you were unbelievably present, playing and...

Rubber neckers

Hey y'all, How is everyone doing? We are half way through the week. Any plans for the coming weekend? It's been a long week already. My...

"It's not mine"

Hey y'all, I just can't even tonight! Lol... Do you ever get in those "Are you for real" mama moments. Where you question what is...

Tinkerbell and the Unicorn

Hey y'all, So, I was taking clothes out of my dryer this evening, when much to my surprise an explosion of glitter fills the air as if a...

Mums and poinsettias

Hey y'all, So, today I took my girls to a winter wonderland of a store. It snows every 4 minutes y'all, no joke! Every year when we go...

Brag time

Good morning y'all, This morning I am taking a moment to brag on my kids! With all that is going on in the world. Election madness, riots...

Essay anyone?

Hey y'all, What a day! And its only 230pm lol. On a happier note, today while doing bible study with my girls we finished reading the 1st...

Only human

Hey y'all, Happy November 1st. I can't even believe its November. Before you know it 2020 will be behind us. Thank goodness lol. But...

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Fueled by coffee saved by grace

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