Good morning y'all and Happy Saturday!
What are your plans for the weekend? Are you doing something super exciting or are you like me and sitting here at 10am in pajamas? Lol that's right y'all, I am super lazy today!
I am going to finish up some Christmas shopping in my pajamas. Have I mentioned how much I love Amazon lol. I have never been a mall girl. I can't spend hours hopping from store to store paying ridiculous prices.
I want to get what I need and be done. Amazon is basically my best friend this year especially since the pandemic.
What are somethings your kids "just have to have" this year? We try to get a relatively "big" gift from us and then the smaller stuff from Santa.
A few years back, I saw this wonderful post on Facebook that said that when Santa brings your children computers, Ipads, hoverboards and those extravagant gifts. When the kids return to school they run in to tell their friends all about what Santa brought them. But what about poor Billy, Katie or Nate who's "Santa" couldn't afford those amazing gifts. Would they feel that Santa didn't love them as much? Or that they were on the naughtier list this year?
What a wake up call that is right?
The Lord blesses us all in different ways. Some have a mansion of a house filled with lots of money, while others have a small house filled with more love than you can possibly imagine. But you know what, those children should both feel like their "Santa's" love them and want them to feel the magic of Christmas. Christmas that's not about the magnitude of the gift. But about giving. The magic that says, I thought of you. Not I spent hundreds of dollars on you.
So, this weekend, as you go out Christmas shopping with your whipped latte in hand. Spending hundreds of dollars because you feel like you just haven't gotten "enough". Think about it from this perspective... Think of Katie, Billy and Nate who would be happy with a board game, barbie or train. Think of perhaps saying those elaborate gifts you just "have" to buy are from mom and dad instead of Santa claus.
Above all else, remember the reason for the season. No, not gifts, credit cards and extravagance. But the birth of Jesus Christ our Savior.
Now go enjoy that coffee and spread some cheer to others. Because Lord knows we need it, especially this year.