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A day in the life of a homeschool mom with a passion for Jesus!

We are all told to live our lives to the fullest, and I am here to do just that. Barefoot Academy serves as a vessel to allow my passion for teaching, the love I have for my children and my relationship with Christ to all come together. Sure things get rocky, sometimes we have cereal for dinner or I hide in the bathroom for a much needed break with a hand full of M&m's. If you can relate to being imperfect, laughing and a love for God, you should sit back, relax, grab some coffee and read on.

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Hear It From Me

I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart. All of these elements brought me to start Barefoot Academy Va.. For years I've been wanting to homeschool my children, but for whatever reason life got in the way. Now as my dream has become a reality. I would like to share my journey with you.. This blog is for real moms just getting through the good, the bad and the chaotic. The days we smile, laugh and cry! This is mom life!!! To see what I’ve been up to, browse my site, learn about my passions, and explore what excites and interests you on the journey.

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Words to live by...

"Speak to your children as though they are the most creative, brilliant and beautiful people on earth. For what they believe they will become!"

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Sponges and beads

Are you ever desperate for an idea to keep those kiddos busy? No, not a toy that they play with for 5 minutes before the dreaded "Mom, I'm...

What we chose for curriculums

Hey y'all! I have had several people message me about what curriculums I use with my kids. So I figured i'd share... $$$ signs stand for...

I see you

Hey y'all, So today I'm getting a bit personal but ever so real. As we all know being a mom is one of life's most challenging and...

Summer nights

Good morning my friends and loyal readers♡ Do you ever find you or your family engrossed in the TV because after a long day all you want...

Maybe its Monday?

Some days Mama just needs more coffee! We all have those days where everything seems to be falling apart or everything seems more...

Bible verse Sunday

"And those who know Your name will put their trust in You, For You, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You." Psalm 9:10 This verse...

Self neglect 101

Sometimes as mothers, wives or even me as a homeschool mom we get so caught up in the needs of others that we tend to neglect ourselves...

Little blessings

Good morning y'all! I wanted to take the time this morning to remind everyone how little blessings creep up in the most low key kind of...

Morning basket for the win!

Good morning y'all! Yesterday as I sat there watching my children launch happily into their homeschool "morning basket" I wondered how...

Wide open spaces

Good morning y'all! Yesterday I took my girls on a little "field trip". Mima (my mom) came and picked us up and we decided to play the...

Little miss Go getter

Good morning y'all! Do any of you mamas or even dads out there try to make sure your children participate in some sort of club, sport,...

Stealthy little ninja

Hey y'all, Do you ever have those moments with your family or kids that just stop you in your tracks? Those moments you feel . Wow, I'm...

Coffee and Jesus

Happy Sunday y'all! I don’t know about you. But I know that I am all about some Christian music. Well, music in general! Though something...

Puddles galore

So I am one of those people that loves the sound of the rain on my old tin roof, a good thunderstorm and to be snuggled up on the couch...

The nuts and bolts of homeschooling

Hey mamas! How many of you have already started this years homeschool journey? Well your in luck, I have come up with a small list of...

I challenge you...

Good morning friends! Do you ever wonder if some of the most influential people in your life even know what an impact they have had on...

My empty lap

As fall and the upcoming school year fastly approach. I figured it was about time I go through our rather large book shelf. So last...

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Fueled by coffee saved by grace

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