Good morning friends!
Do you ever wonder if some of the most influential people in your life even know what an impact they have had on you?
I actually wonder about this pretty often.
I have no doubt that people like parents, Family members, your spouse or even close friends have had an impact on you over the years. But I'm talking about the not so obvious people.
In fact, a few months ago I decided to send little cards to some of the most influential people in my life this far.
Have you ever done that?
Hopefully they didn't think of it like im some sort of quack, but as a testimony to their kindness and impact they have had on me.
Some of these influences have been neighbors, Former bosses, highschool teachers (yikes, that was a long time ago) People who supported me when I needed it most. Teaching me some of the greatest life lessons!
Some people taught me to step out of my comfort zone, conquer my fears and to have confidence in myself,
While others share some of my most vivid memories. The good, the bad and the humiliating. For example, I will never forget the time I fell flat on my face tripping on AIR, thats right, you read that that's a special kind of talent.. to make it worse it happened during rush hour. No joke my face turned the color of Dorothy's ruby red slippers. It was great! But coworkers to the rescue!
Maybe you had to be there?.....
Others, without even trying have helped me to deepen my relationship with Christ. Which I consider to be one of the greatest gifts someone can give you.
I mean, how great is it to have such amazing people walk into your life leaving a footprint, you will forever cherish.
Do you have anyone who you are thinking about as you read this? Someone who may not even realize it. Someone you are grateful for the role they have had in your life?
I challenge you to let them know! Can you imagine the ripple effect you can create. By default if someone was to tell me right now that I have been a positive influence in their life. That message becomes a positive influence in mine.
I can tell you some of the people I sent cards to, had no idea I even still thought about them, let alone felt that they impacted me so greatly.
In todays society it's so easy to get caught up in what we are doing and take the little things for granted.. but by sending an email, a card, a letter, a text or even just picking up the phone, you can make a difference. Share the good! Let people know how amazing they are.
Grab some coffee and spread some love!