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What we chose for curriculums

Writer's picture: Laura Laura

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

Hey y'all!

I have had several people message me about what curriculums I use with my kids. So I figured i'd share...

$$$ signs stand for my personal opinion of the price of the curriculum. (Keep in mind I'm very frugal 🤫) even though some are more pricey than others, sometimes I've found it could very well be worth it.

For Language arts I chose Abeka. I loved the mastery approach and the fact that it's christian based! Infact christian views are brought up all through the lessons. Not in the way you might be thinking. It's not set up as a Bible lesson. Rather, you clearly seeing stories of the bible or bible versus as your children are correcting sentences and punctuation, randomly in some vocabulary words etc. I love its way of incorporating Christian views without being incredibly overbearing.

The mastery approach allows the children to learn the topic and then frequently revisit the topic so mastery is taught. Not just memorization.


For History I chose Notgrass! America the beautiful. Again it is a christian view but as we explore the historical events of America we are reminded how certain events can relate to stories in the bible. This curriculm also comes with workbooks that include things like word searches, question and anwser pages, little art projects, vacabulary words, learning maps and more about the chapter you are reading. One of my favorite parts is that it also includes reading material in the form of literature books with the program. 10 chapter books for the year.


When it came to Math I went with Teaching textbooks. This program allows you to download the program on to your computer than use a CD-rom to move through each chapter. (No internet required, other than to download the program) if you choose not to do it on the discs, you can absolutely just use the workbook thats included and complete the very same program you would get on the discs. This curriculum is full of bright colors and animated characters that dance when you get the problems correct, along with the option to have the steps show and explained to you in detail should your child get a question wrong. An added bonus for us teachers is the Teaching textbooks curriculum is self grading. *keep in mind Teaching textbooks can sometimes run a grade behind the average public school. So have your child take the online placement test for the program before purchasing.


My girls love Science, so I wanted something that would challenge them and allow for a lot of hands on/lab type activities. So we went with Apologia Astronomy. With spectrum workbooks if we need supplemental materials.

Apologia is a christian based program that is very bright and inviting as well as thorough when it comes to the material its covering. It comes with a workbook that includes pages such as labeling parts of a the solar system, or word puzzles, question and anwser pages and more. We really love that it gives us science activoties and labs to complete throughout the year as well.


Bible study I chose More than words by Rebecca Spooner. A great 2nd generation homeschool mom of 5, who included her childrens perspectives when creating this book. Throughout there is bible versus, memory work, word puzzles, art projects, vocabulary words, while also learning about famous artists and paintings. You get a little of everything in this one book! Also, she has her children write secret missions for your children to engage in as they become detectives on missions throughout the'll have to open it up and see what I mean. You're kids will love it!


For Spanish I am doing a beginners basic book by Carson Dellossa. Which covers basics like colors, days, months, spelling, and more.

Considering my children have never taken Spanish this was a great beginning for them. As the year moves on we will get more in depth and find a more inclusive program.


Now I'm not saying my decisions are the way to go by any means, afterall what you are looking for could be vastly different than what our family's needs are. Many people purchase all in one curriculums for example Abeka for every subject. However after researching and actually opening the books first hand. I fiund that I liked different programs for different subjects for a variety of different reasons.....Everyone has their own methods of teaching, interests and world views. Some may like the Charlotte Mason approach or unschooling, while others like it more traditional.... and so on. But these are what works best for our family.

With all this said, please remember...I am not a pro, I don't get asked by companies to speak on behalf of their products. I just am giving you honest opinions on what we love at this point in our homeschool journey.

But if you have any questions or want to talk more about curriculums, give me a shout!

I'm always up for a cup of coffee and a good homeschool talk☕

  • The pictire has just some of the curriculum we use.



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