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Writer's pictureLaura

I see you

Hey y'all,

So today I'm getting a bit personal but ever so real.

As we all know being a mom is one of life's most challenging and rewarding jobs. Throw in being a wife, a homeschool teacher and just the chores of everyday life. It can get a little crazy! Crazy days make me love Kristin Bell. Do y'all know of her? She is a hilarious actress who is totally real about mom life! She gives me a little piece of mind that I'm not the only one drinking cold coffee, dishes in the sink and laundry up to my ears!

Well, to make matters worse, what do you as a mom do when you're not feeling great? When your sick with a cold or the flu? Better yet, what about those of us who suffer with invisible illnesses like autoimmune disorders, anxiety, depression, CRPS, scleroderma, diabetes and so on?

I know that my husband doesn't get sick often. But when he does you'd think the world was ending like Will Smith in "I am Legend"

Moms on the other hand, somehow get the shorter end of the stick on this one, we still seem to have to have it all together.....When we get sick, the kids still need us, the household chores still need to get done, maybe you work outside the home and have no more leave, homeschool needs to move on because your kiddo is finally catching on to the new math lesson and kn and on it goes.

Well, when you have an invisible illness, people don't seem to understand. People afterall have a hard time understanderstanding what they can't see. It's like that Adam Sandler movie "Big Daddy " when the boy put on the glasses and suddenly believes he was invisible. Except we with invisible illnesses want so badly to take off the glasses and have people see!

See the pain, the feeling tired, being irritable, feeling alone like we're the only one who feels this way. See us! Not as complainers, not as the "broken" but to see us as people. People who need understanding in a world that so often shoves things like this under the rug, after of course making their own judgments, they usually know nothing about.

Well brave mama, keep your head up! You my friend are not alone! I have walked in your shoes. I have friends in your shoes. Its a hard road, but its all that much easier to travel once you realize you're not alone.

I have been battling Rheumatoid Arthritis for 12 years, I have recently been diagnosed with CRPS in my arm and constantly have neck pain due to a spinal fusion I had several years back.

Life gets me down sometimes, when I can't run around with my kids due to a flare-up and my swollen arthritic knees. That often make me feel 80 at 36 yrs old. When my neck hurts so bad I just want to lay down all day but can't.

But you know what, I get up, I overcome and I push through. My kids are only little for so long. I have a whole life ahead of me for feeling my old worn out body. I only have 18 summers to share with my kiddos before they are adults and living their busy lives.

Now I'm not saying by any means to ignore your body or that you should neglect your health.

Afterall, I don't run around with them everyday or throw a baseball everyday. But even when it gets bad, I cherish the little moments.

I dig deeper within myself to fight the pain and aggravation that invisible illnesses bring. Especially when no one seems to get it!

Trust me my friend, you got this! More importantly you are most definitely not alone!!!

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