As fall and the upcoming school year fastly approach. I figured it was about time I go through our rather large book shelf. So last night, I decided to weed through what we can donate and what we should hold on to.
Man, does it make me look back at those moments with my babies. When they would walk right up to me sitting on the floor, Carrying a big ole book and plopping right down in my lap.
Now they are all about reading quietly in their book nooks or in their rooms with the door shut. Umm hello, you aren't 16 yet! Can you just plop your 90lb self into mommy's lap. I will gladly read you some Harry Potter! But instead, most of the time, my lap is empty.....Though lucky for me, with homeschooling I sneak in reading our literature books together. I long miss the snuggles and story after story, as they begged for more.
Which leads me to today's topic. What are your families favorite books? The girls and I sat down last night as we went through our books and made a list of our favorites through the ages.
We thought it would be fun to share it with you! (The girls did ask, that if you have any good ones to share with them they'd love some good titles...Keep in mind they are 10 and 12)
Young children
I love you stinky face
By Lisa McCourt
Mama comes home tonight
By Eileen Spinelli
Giraffes can't dance
By Giles Andreae and Guy Parker-Rees
On the night you were born
By Nancy Tillman
The donkey no one could ride
By Anthony DeStefano
Older kids
Any American Girl books
(Including- The care and keeping of you and A smart girls guide to boys)
The one and only Ivan
By Katherine Applegate
Junie B Jones (series)
By Barbara Parks
Harry Potter (series)
By JK Rowling
Lucy Whipple
By Karen Cusgman
By Carl Hiaasen
Bud not buddy
By Christopher Paul
The list isn't long or as crazy as it could have been. Trust me! We have sooooo many books! Even after making a rather large pile to donate. But these are some of the ones the girls have enjoyed most.