Very happy Thursday to y'all,
Well, its officially the end of the school year for our family. The girls both took their end of the year tests yesterday!
Do any other mamas out their
get like legit heart palpitations when their kids take that big test? LOL. It's like the whole year is summarized in that one moment. My kids not doing well affects me far less than the reality that if my child isn't doing well, it's because I failed them as a teacher. It's a rough few hours in my house, Of course I don't show that to my girls, who are probably already nervous. Afterall, who enjoys test taking lol. But on the inside I'm a Hott mess!!!
Needless to say they both tested extremely well and far above grade level. Which gave this mama a few less grays to worry about Haha. I'm not kidding y'all, I highlighted my dark hair to blend those stubborn grays. Stress has got me this year!
While I know that each state is different, here in Virginia each child is to be either evaluated or tested out at the end of each school year. With a test such as the California achievement test. Its a lengthy test that comes in parts such as reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, language mechanics, math concepts, word problems, and total composite scores for each particular section as well as for the test as a whole.
What does your state do for proof of progress?
Now on to the task of finding the "perfect" curriculums for next school year. Which is a daunting task, especially considering my oldest is going into her Freshman year of highchoool. Now the game gets real y'all. This fall is about transcripts and setting her up for her future. Making sure she takes the right courses to get her in to college. This girl wants to be an anesthesiologist. Thats no little goal!
Do any of you expert homeschool mamas out there have any advice on homeschooling a highschooler? Because girl, I could use it!
So far I have my eye on. Bible, Geometry, Biology, World Geography, Language arts, Spanish, life skills, typing..... what am I missing?
for my rising 7th grader, I am thinking Bible, Language arts, Spanish, Algebra, Geography, typing, health, and I'm at a loss for science as of right now.
I dont think the average mother of a public school child realizes all the decisions we need to make on a daily, monthy, even yearly basis. Its not as simple as do you want to play soccer or softball. But these are the life decisions that set them up for college and life that we hold in our finger tips. What if she takes calculus one year and I cant teach it? I fail, we boyh fail. What if she doesn't take it and then it doesnt look good on a college
application\transcript? The life of a homeschool mom isnt for the faint Of heart. Ill tell you that! LOL.
But honestly, even in the midst of all the stress, worry and wondering if you're doing it right. What's a few more grays right? Lol At the end of the day. We being there for our children, guiding them through life, instilling our values and leading by example is going to teach them far more than they could ever learn in a book. It's going on field trips, gardening in the yard, talking with grandma, helping plan meals, etc. That no effort goes into, but sometimes those are the experiences where they learn the most!
So try to enjoy the ride!
