Good morning y'all,
How do you as mom start or end your day? Before the kiddos wake up do you get in a few cups of coffee, hit the gym, tidy up the house or maybe you just watch the weather?
Once the kids are asleep and you can finally have some ME time. Do you watch tv, Clean up, spend some time with your husband for some much needed adult conversation. After spending the last 8 hours talking about what the best princess is or why you need to learn how to multiply? Or maybe you just meal prep for the week while indulging in a glass of wine.
I personally can't start my day without coffee. My kids call me Lorelai Gilmore lol. Remember her from Gilmore girls? Never without a coffee in hand. I guess there are worse things to be called🤣
I also enjoy reading in the morning. When possible that of my Daughters is a morning person. The second she hears me open the door to take out the dogs. She is up! While the other could probably sleep through a CAT5 hurricane!
I usually shop for the week and though I don't "meal prep" per se, I do know what we will be having for meals throughout the week. I try to switch it up rather than eating similar meals week to week. What do you do?
I don't go to the gym. Though I know I should! Maybe it's a mix of covid, finding the time and actually getting the motivation. I always feel a little awkward going to the gym. All those size 5 woman in their spandex.. making me feel, lets say, a little guilty about the 3 tacos I ate last night🌮... Tell me I'm not alone here ladies....
When my kids are in bed, you can usually find me indulging in whatever is on HGTV, Hallmark channel(I may be a tad obsessed with Hallmark Christmas movies) or the latest Greys Anatomy episode. While planning out tomorrow's school lessons. Of course thats after picking up any messes around the house. (A moms day is never done lol)
Usually evenings are my time to relax!
What do you do in your free time while you're little ones are asleep in dreamland?