Hey y'all,
Childlike faith is a beautiful thing isn’t it? For the most part, if you tell a child something, they will believe it. Whether you are convincing them of a fairy that collects their baby teeth at night or that an older man dressed in red slides down your chimney every year. Or even things like that of the truth found in the Bible, that of God.. Children have no problem believing in the unexplainable. Their innocence is beautiful.
However, much like most people I want my children to not just be told what to believe, but understand it. Something my children have struggled with while studying the bible has been the Holy Trinity. How can God be 3 in one? Question after question has arised from this teaching.
So, what is the Trinity exactly? It's God being 3 in one. The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
But think about that, thats even challenging for me to understand. Some of the greatest scholars in the world have a difficult time understanding and explaining this very thing.
I have made posters, drawings, taught lessons and read childrens books on this very thing and somehow I still fall short. My children still not quite understanding it....So what if we could break it down a bit more for our children? In a hands on exercise?
Take an apple for example. The apple is made up of seeds, flesh/body and skin. 3 parts all making 1 complete apple.
In this exercise cut the apple into its parts. The skin, the body/flesh and of course the seeds.
Ask your children what the skins purpose is?
Does it protect us?
What about the body/flesh of the apple?
It gives it its appearance right?
And lastly, what do the seeds do?
Seeds make things grow.
With that being said, this last part may make a little more sense.
The skin of an apple is much like God the father. It protects the apple. Just as he protects us.
The flesh/body of the apple is what makes it whole. Much like God the son, because Jesus took on human flesh.
The seeds of an apple are like God the holy spirit. Because much like the seeds grow an apple, through him we grown in our faith.
Each part of the apple is different, however ALL are part of the perfect apple.
I know all children learn in different ways, however after doing this exercise this morning my children had far less questions and were able to tackle their Bible study with a little more ease.
So best of luck and remember. Things like the 5 finger prayer, bible Journaling, drawing our verses, memory versus, etc are all ways to bring the bible to life. To make it fun and understandable to young minds as they deepen their relationship with God and their faith.
Afterall " Teach your children who God is, Before the world teaches them everything he's not."