Are any of my moms on there thrify shoppers? I know I sure am!
Being blessed enough to be a stay at home mom and being allowed the privilege to homeschool my children. Means only one income for our household. ( If your reading this Dustin. THANK YOU!)
I like to do my part of making money, and that means, saving money!!! I have found amazing deals at thrift stores. Brand name clothes such as, Gap, LLbean, old navy, childrens place, etc. For only a couple dollars a piece.
Which is also great, because as we know kids love to play! From grass stains, to old worn out knees holes. Clothes don't last long, and thats not even factoring in the latest growth spirt.
For example, I love to donate old toys, clothes, etc. However, I dont feel nearly as bad donating a $2 pair of gap jeans after only 6 months due to an unexpected growth spirt VS. the $40 they would have been had I bought them at the store.
I don't just mean the popular, big thrift stores like Goodwill or salvation army. I'm talking great hole in the wall places with fantastic deals! Check them out, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
This also works for things like my childrens homeschool curriculums. There are great resources out there. Many craft and book stores offer decent discounts to homeschool teachers when shown a teachers ID or a copy of your NOI... (If you need a teachers ID there are also great resources for that, click the contact me button below and I'd be glad to share the info that I have)
If that doesn't work for your pocket, then try things like the buy, sell or trade curriculum groups on facebook. There is an abundance of curriculums waiting to be sold at next to nothing compared to the original retail price. Most of which has plenty of life left! Anything from Abeka, teaching textbooks, BJU press, Apologia, Notgrass, and more!
I have personally used many of these groups. Finding the sellers to be unbelievably helpful and knowledgeable. Afterall, the homeschool community tends to help eachother out... the sellers are almost always willing to ship for a very reasonable fee.
Now call me crazy, But I'm not one to have a $300 handbag and $200 shoes. I mean think of how many tacos I could buy with that. (Its lunch time, give me a break lol) and where would I wear my glamorous bag and shoes anyways? I live in a small little town out in the country and I love it that way!! I like simplicity, Comfort and to make sure my family is taken care of. If I can do that by saving money shopping 2nd hand. Game on! Plus I'm not going to lie, I enjoy the thrill of the hunt. Thrift stores to me are like an adult game of wheres waldo 😂.
How easy is it to walk into your local mall, find your size, pay and check out. Well at thrift stores I tend to search and find things way better than what I originally had in mind.
So go put your coffee in a to go mug and check them out! I can't wait to hear of all of your awesome finds!!!