Good morning y'all,
Can you believe its already October? Where I grew up, that meant crisp mornings and gorgeous pops of color. Reds the color of candied apples, yellows as bright as the sunshine and oranges the color of pumpkins as they fall floating to the ground each time the wind blew.
But these days, I live in the south. October basically means July with pumpkins lol. Well, and non stop chauffering the girls to practices and games not to mention teaching school. Two kiddos in middle school this year! Its crazy around here these days.
I dont know why, but I anticipated this year going just like the last. Smooth sailing, great curriculum choices and eager kids. However, maybe I was wrong lol.
Maybe its just a normal hormonal teen thing, but no matter what I do they seem unimpressed. I mean at the end of the day, math is math. There is only so much I can do to make fractions, ratios and algebra interesting and fun.
The pressure is on this year and I have a tough crowd lol.
Do you ever have those high pressure days, where you feel like no matter what you do, its just not enough? Where you second guess yourself and the "What ifs" get the best of you... What if I chose different curriculums? what if I did more? What if I dont do enough and they do poorly on the end of the year test?
I suppose as parents we face these questions daily, be it what they eat, whats sports they play, even if they are getting enough sleep, etc.
Its funny, when I was pregnant I used to swear that my kids would never eat junk food, or heck,even eat fast food. I was going to be a "granola" mom. One that would choose carrot sticks, over cookies and yogurt with fruit instead of waffles. But then reality happened and we stuffed whatever snacks we had lying around in the diaper bag, we stopped for happy meals, if that meant calming our hungry kids and we did life! Crazy, busy life!
and you know what, thats ok!
But in the midst of all the decisions we as parents are faced with everyday, one that we cant just "wing it on" is our childs education. Its not like a cheat day of a happy meal for convinience, or forgetting the mouth guard for our childs game.
We as homeschool parents are one of the determining factors of whether our kids grow up to to be sucessful! Its our decisions, our dedication, and our determination to get them through the long math lessons, and crazy science experiments. To reach the hearts and minds of our children so they fall in love with learning.
The pressure is real y'all!
So, My advice to you is, keep pushing through. Keep finding creative ways to reel your children back in. If they see how much fun your having teaching them, by default they will have fun learning! Youve got this mama!