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The power of a single interaction

Writer's picture: Laura Laura

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

Hey y'all

Do you ever meet someone and for some reason or another something about them just lingers in your mind? Like somehow, without even trying they make an impact on you they know nothing about?

Be it someone in the grocery store, or walking down the street. Who knows....

Yesterday, I went to the grocery store. I saw an elderly woman struggling with the carts, you know the kind you have to put the quarter in to receive the cart. I ran over to her grabbed her bags and helped her put her cart back in the line along with the others and handed her back her quarter. She smiled and said if it wasn't for covid she would hug me. She said that others saw her struggling and walked right by her grabbing their carts from the other line of carts right next to her.

Now, I didnt do this to be pat on the back or because I'm anymore decent of a human being than the next gal. But rather, it was just the right thing to do and it was natural instinct. As I walked away another woman walked past me and smiled, saying "Good for you". As the kids and I made our way into the store, my daughter said "wow mom, you just made that ladies day!".. You know what, that's all it takes! One act of kindness to start a ripple of events. Your kind action could make someone's day that much better. Pay it forward....

But, you know what? Its not always the act of a kind gesture. Sometimes people can start a ripple simply by being themselves. Simply crossing paths and hearing stories of others can sometimes, leave you feeling better than youd expect.

This evening, perhaps by chance, good karma or maybe being in the right place at the right time. I met a woman who was giving away a wonderful cube shelf online. She stated that 14 other people wanted it, but that I could have it if I came right over.

At this point you're probably wondering where this story is going... lol but I'm getting there...

I got to the woman's house and she was more than kind. A smile ear to ear as she greeted me in her driveway. As she helped me carry it to the truck we got to talking a bit. I found out that she too was a veteran homeschool mom, of 24 years! Having 5 biological children and another 7 children from adoption, some of those whom she adopted having significant disabilities/needs. 12 children!!! With a house full of children and pets and her heart set on God she just seemed like a person I wanted to know. A person I would want to hang out with! lol.

Can you imagine the type of person she must be? To have a heart so big that you happily welcome 12 children into your home, along with multiple pets, a husband, homeschooling and everything else a mom does day to day. The patience alone is something I want to know how she masters lol. Now, I don't know this woman from Adam, after all I was just there to pick something up. Its more than likely I'll never see this person again. But something about her story, her faith, her passion for children and obviously homeschooling just struck a chord with me.

If she, a woman with 12 children of varying abilities can juggle homeschooling, being a wife, a mom, a chauffer and a woman of God. Who am I to doubt my ability to do the same.

Does that go to say that I believe this woman is perfect and never has days she herself doubts her abilities to juggle it all? Of course not. but......

She started a ripple! she stirred something inside me that makes me want to be more motivated and more passionate about the things I do in and around my home. Be it taking more time to read to my girls before bed, praying more and worrying less, trying not to sweat the small stuff, and to be appreciative, thanking the Lord for all that I have.

After all, I only have two children, a husband and a few pets. If she can have the sanity and will power to take on each day, so can I!

Isn't it funny, how one interaction can light a spark, one interaction can turn a normal day into a great day. One interaction! Now, can I explain why or what specifically has left this lingering feeling in my head, enough that I took the time to write this? No, not at all. Its just a feeling...

Sometimes we encounter people who for some reason or another, we are just meant to cross paths with. Be it something as simple as today or something monumental. Each interaction that takes place is of a certain design even if we don't know what exactly.

The good news is, he has a plan, and watching it unfold is pretty exciting stuff!

So start a ripple, be the person that leaves someone striving to be better. Be a motivator, a giver and most of all a person who is so deeply rooted in faith, that everyone who encounters you leaves feeling a little more rooted themselves.



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Fueled by coffee saved by grace

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