Hey y'all,
I'm feeling the pressure, you know the kind mamas. The one where you cant help but compare your home to others, the one where you stress yourself juggling homeschooling, Grocery shopping, doctors appointments, all while trying to have an immaculate home, because hey if Sally down the street can do it.....
I get it, I really do. The farm table and Chip and Joanna decor throughout your white a gray painted walls. This perfect house, or should I say show room has become a ridiculous trend.
Mamas remember what's important, remember that the dishes can wait, the floor can be swept later, even though I need to take my own advice on this one toys are allowed on the floor because guess what, kids live here!
Slow down....
Soon enough your children will all be grown up, and you’ll be sitting alone in your perfectly tidy home with white and gray walls, a sparkling clean floor and wishing for one more day of chaos. One more day of fingerprints on the front door, juice spilled on the counter or even the toys scattered around the living room.
It’s not just your home, it’s theirs too! They arent the ones trying to impress their Facebook "friends". Sometimes we need to take a minute and remember that if they were truly your "friends" they get that sometimes you have dishes in the sink, or laundry piled up. They too have times where they trip over legos, or have toothpaste in the sink, from their kids who just cant seem to clean up after themselves.
In my opinion, you can move that pile of toys off the sofa before you take a seat. Because I’d rather spend time with my child than make my house immaculate to please you. Love us for who we are, where we are!
I'm not saying my house is a mess all the time (my husband would think I was off my rocker lol)....but you have to prioritize! Sometimes it's ok to wait, to pretend the bed is made, that the dryer isnt full and just get on the floor and feed the baby doll a bottle, or build a Lego mansion.
While my dishes lie in the sink, we may be at the playground. While I could really handle vacuuming the extra dog I've seemed to acquire in shedding I am spending an extra hour in school because my kids are loving what we are working on in class.
My house is just a building I keep our stuff in because after all I'm sure our stuff scattered across a random lawn is probably frowned upon. Not to mention cold this time of year.
What makes my home a home isnt the 4 walls, but more the squeels of excitement as my children jump outside in mud puddles. It’s the snuggles with their pups as they lay down for bed.
Its singing Adleweis over and over because it's your little girls favorite. Because you realize all to soon they won’t ask anymore.
Your child’s favorite memories will never be of you doing dishes or scrubbing the kitchen floor.
Remember, you have forever to have that perfectly tidy home, Your children will never be as young as they are today.
So cherish it mamas, embrace the pitter patter of little foot prints. Embrace the slime making or play doh playing. Embrace the baking Christmas cookies with flour all over the counters. Embrace the crazy, because these are the things that matter!
