Hey y'all,
Today while the girls were in the middle of our lessons for the day. I all of the sudden got the urge to dive deeper in to the spirit of Easter.
No, I don't mean by making little bunny decorations or coloring eggs. While of course those things are fun! I wanted an art project that represented Jesus.
I asked the girls what they think of when they think of church. They said "God, prayers, faith, trust, the stairs going in lol, stained glass windows, friends, pastor....and on they went"
I started digging out some paint brushes and washable paint, and the girls just looked at eachother like, how did we go from talking about church to mom pulling out art supplies.
When I told them we were going to paint our own "stain glass windows" on our own windows here at home they thought I was crazy haha. But boy did they have fun! Just painting as we had an open conversation about Jesus. Not a lesson, not reading from the Bible. But a genuine conversation about all that was sacrificed for us, how Jesus had died but then was resurrected. Afterall, Easter is a the perfect reminder that hope should never be lost, that no matter how dark the road may seem there is always light at the end of it.
What more could a mother want, than to see her children love talking about Jesus, lifting his name up and talking about him like he's their best friend. We are so blessed!