Good morning y'all,
Summer is of course a time for fun in the sun. Picnics in the park, days lounging pool side or watching the kids jump the waves, its a time for running around to baseball fields and dance classes, activities galore.
Yet, some how, we as moms still find the time to meal prep, clean the house, do the laundry and of course prepare for the upcoming school year.
So, as I stand here, stocking the book shelves with new reference books, and curriculums. As I fill our little baskets with pencils, markers, paperclips, etc. I also realize its a time to get creative, to change things up. (Out with the old, in with the new) Change up some posters, or add a new white board. I dont know! Sometimes im at a loss for creative ideas. So I decided to go to pinterest, thats when I saw it....I saw this great idea I just had to share.
Let me start out by saying that, I myself have a school room that was converted from a sunroom. Literally and entire wall is all windows. Which is great when it comes to natural light, but not so great when it comes to wall space. With that being said.....Picture this, a long curtain rod with awesome shower curtains of the World map, the periodic table, even body systems!
All of these massive "posters" able to be shown or pulled back as you need them. Leaving you room to have everything you need at your disposal even with minmal wall space.
If you arent in to the whole curtain rod idea, and youre more the traditional school posters, another good idea would be to laminate them, punch a hole at the top and put curtain rod rings in them. that way you can hang them on curtain rods for easy storage.
Everything is easily accesable on amazon! The opportunities are endless. I am all about creative ideas for small spaces (Minimal wall space). So check out the pictures below and see how cool they are for your self! Happy room prep y'all.
Ps. If you have any tips or trick for your school room please post them in the comments!!!!