Happy Tuesday y'all,
So, I'm going to get real for a second. How many of you go to a church where you feel like a tight knit family? Or maybe you feel like many members of your church are close knit, while you watch from the sidelines.
Maybe your church has a phenomenal children's program, or praise team or maybe yours is catered more to an older crowd and hymnals.
This post is going to dive into what I and many others hope to find when prospecting new churches or feeling at home in a church they already love.
What do they believe in? Sounds simple right? Well, not necessarily. There is so much more than just believing in God, or even having the same core values as you.. I personally want to find a church that believes in bringing the outside in, that believes that anyone from any walk of life is welcome, that our children are the future of the church.
Which leads me to my next point.
Childrens programs- It is so important for me to have a place for children of all ages to learn about the Bible at their own level. Just because a child isn't 8 anymore doesn't necessarily mean that they should be sitting through an adult service. We don't just throw a middle schooler into college to be taught like an adult, why should we do that with our childrens ministry? When we invest in our children and make church fun and engaging, the better chance our children will grown in faith and teach their children the same someday.
Childrens programs in my opinion should go through highschool. Bible study, community services and out reach, ministry, helping to teach younger children, plays, childrens choirs, etc. Why put a cap on it...Children are the future of the church!
Sermons- Who has gone to a church where the sermon seemed to drag on and on. Circling the same topic with different wording over the course of an hour. Its dry and doesn't captivate the listener. On more than I one occasion I have seen a snoring husband. Who wants that?... I for one want to feel the passion, the dedication and love the preacher has for the Lord. For its contagious! I want to learn, to be captivated and to leave with the words replaying over and over in my head, because they effected me so deeply!
People- When you walk in as a new guest to the church or even as a member for years do people come up and talk to you? Do they get you out of your comfort zone to become involved in the church? Do strangers ask you to sit with them? Or do they just look at you like another face in the crowd? Do they not acknowledge you because they tend to have cliques within the church.
I want a church that makes you feel like family! Who circles around after a couple weeks to see if you have any questions or help you become involved, I want a preacher who knows his people and recognizes a new face as he reaches out his hand to welcome you.
Cliques remind me of high school and by no means should be in a church!
The feels- How does the over all vibe feel? After you take in all the items listed above, how does the overall atmosphere make you feel? What do your kids think? Kids are usually great critics. Because they just go with their gut and don't tend to over think things like we so often do.
Remember, Visit a prospect church a few times if you need to, but ultimately go with your gut. Pray about it! Before you know it, your home church will find you!
Stay the course, because you belong! Listen closely, he will guide your heart.