Hey yall,
Ive been thinking a lot latley about my calling. The deeper the relationship I have with Christ the more I want to know my purpose. Some are called to ministry, missonaries, praise teams, to lead bibe studies, teach children, etc.
But where does that leave me? Do you ever wonder where you belong, what you are good at or even what Gods plan is for you? I know that is something hard to truly grasp. The fact that he has a plan and even though we may not always see it, or even understand it. He does!
I was in a class at Church this past Sunday and we began to touch just the surface of spiritual gifts. Which I found interesting because when they started to talk about it my heart just screamed out "I need to know this, I need to dig deeper, I need to find my purpose" its been something ive struggled with for quite sometime but for some reason or another have just been to shy to ask about or to question.
Then thats when I heard those words "Seeking your spiritual gift isnt a goal...but a Gateway!" how powerful is that? They are not a hobby, something to do for ourselves but rather something to grown with, build with and use for Gods glory rather than our own.
Then I got to thinking, Here I am sitting in this class ponering what my spiritual gift is. Do I have this gift that I have yet to give to our church, have yet to give to God even though he blessed me with it to use it? So, as I sat in class, almost distracted in a kind of day dream blur of my own thoughts. I decided that when I got home I needed to do more digging.
Having been a Christian for years, having been baptized, having raised my children in church, having done daily bible studies as I homeschool my children with Christian values. How is it that i myself dont even know my gift, my calling?......
Gifts such as:
Evangelism~ The ability to communicate the gospel esspecially to nonbelievers
Prophecy~The ability to speak messages from God. words of encouragment or warning.
Serving~Identifying things that need to be done and doing them to honor God.
Giving~Can happily and willingly share without expecting aything in return.
Administration~ To help steer the church to meet goals. through organization and planning
Mercy~Using sensitivity for those who are suffering, offering compassion and encouragment to those in need.
Teaching~To teach the bible to others effectivley to help them with their own spiritual growth.
Exhortation~ Offer, encouragement, and support to help someone be all that God wants them to be
Apostle~ A "Missionary" person sent to different places to spread the gospel.
Faith~ Can firm in their belief in God that nothing can shake it.
Healing~ A cabability used by others to restore others be it emotionally, spiritually, physically or mentally
Knowlege~ A gift of activly pursuing knowlege of the bible.
Now you may be thinking, I am a few of these. I may serve as a greeter at church or volunteer to help out with Sunday school. I invite friends to church to help spread the Good news of the bible.
Which are all great and wonderful things to do to honor your church and God. However, what were you truly called to do? What is your gretest strength. Perhaps something that youve always been interested in but never were willing to step outside your comfort zone enough to do it.
We as Christians live in Gods "Purpose" daily. After all, nothing can really happen in our lives without him ordainig it right?
"I cry out to God most high, to God who fufills his purpose for me" Psalm 57:2
I feel like I may have been walking through life latley experiencing little fufillent other than my passion for my children and homeschooling. But after that class Sunday I now wonder if ive been wondering lost from Gods purpose for me within the church.
With that being said, for the past couple days and until I can clearly see the purpose God has for me. I am Going to ask God through prayer to give me wisdom, guidence and direction. So as I sit here still wandering aimlessly in the direction of my purpose I know that its coming. I know it because, at the end of the day I need to trust God, He will always lead me where he wants me to Go!
How great is that?
Whats your spiritual gift? Were you like me and after years of being in the church, just now coming to the realization that I need to dig deeper within myself and my faith to serve both the church and God better? If not, I recomend doing a little soul searching, with a little help from the one who always knows whats on our heart.
Have a blessed Monday yall

I know that right now God is "well pleased" with you. When we open out hearts to Him and are longing to find out our calling in life He is ready to answer you. Be strong and know that whatever He directs you to do that you can fulfill that calling. Not everyone is called to preach or be a missionary in a foreign country but, we are all called. We can be missionaries right where we are. Remember whatever your calling is God will give you the wisdom and the strength to fulfill it.
I read a book by Sharon Jaynes and she said something I will never forget,
When we say,
"I'm not strong enough."
"I'm not wise…