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Writer's pictureLaura

My 4 hours

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

Hey y'all,

I am currently sitting in a dark parking lot at my girls competitive cheer gym. Listening to the same cheer mix song on repeat as I hear the echo of "5,6,7,8" poring out the doors into the parking lot.

Now, your probably thinking, hey crazy lady go home, heck, stroll the aisles of Tj Maxx to kill some time. Why on earth are you just sitting there?

Well, the answer is quite simple. I am spent y'all!!!

I spend hours homeschooling everyday, Finding new topics to make fun and interesting. I grade papers and plan lessons. All while trying to keep up with laundry, dishes, vacuuming and other house hold chores.

I am with kids 24 hours a day a week. And while I wouldn't want it any other way, sometimes I just get spent!

When I'm not at home with my kids, you can find me coaching sideline cheer for football, or coaching tumbling classes at this very same gym.

But these 2 days they have Competition cheer are mine! They are the 4 hours each week I have no children, no commitments, no responsibilities. I can just sit, breathe and read. or maybe even catch up on my blog that I used to write every other day it seemed.

I can jam out to christian radio, or scroll aimlessly on pinterest, thinking of all the things I wish I was doing, but feel like I never have time to do lol.

I can do me! From a dark little parking lot, with "5,6,7,8" chanting over and over through the fresh fall air. I can sit my seat back, drink my coffee and breathe!

Remember that y'all, we all need a break! Somehow as moms we get so caught up being the provider, being the chauffeur, the teacher, the chef, the nurse. That we forget to breathe! We lose sight of ourselves and what we need. Its ok to recharge, it's ok to do nothing more than sit outside your childs gym and feel the stress of the day roll of your shoulders. It's ok to let go and take time for you!

You my friend are a rockstar, and at the end of the day you need to remember no matter how many practices you go to, meals you prepare or skinned knees you kiss. You are a hero in their eyes. But even super heroes need to recharge their powers every once in a while!

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