Good morning y'all,
Can you believe its April? We are approaching the years end for many of our homeschool families. I honestly can say that there have been times along the way, I thought we'd never make it. LOL.
I don't know how your year has gone, but ours has seen the good, the bad, the lazy, the lets call it the weekend, and then some.
You know what? Thats ok!
Aren't we so blessed to educate our children the way we want to. Be it books in the car, a jeopardy game to mix it up a bit or or a classic day in our cozy little classroom. Schooling is what we make it. On the good days, the days we struggle and every day in between.
I'm curious what has worked for you this year? What are your fondest moments, lessons or victories you and your children have had this year?
We have had days where we brought our books to the park and soaked in the sun with a picnic lunch, we have had a week where we ditched the books and the kids got to enjoy Disney World.
But honestly some of my favorite days are the 3 of us lounging around our school room in pjs not even knowing where the time went because we were having so much fun reading about History or making art projects. The times its just the three of us without a care in the world are my favorite!
With that being said my favorite victory this year, actually started out as a heavyness in my heart and a lost see...This upcoming year we are faced with the daunting decision whether or not to send our oldest to public High school. She will be a rising Freshman and like most kids her age, she wants to experience school sports (not just rec leagues), she wants to experience school dances, prom, "school" friends, graduation, etc.
We have talked, and talked and talked about this matter with her as a family. We weighed pros and cons, etc. An you know what? On her own she decided to continue to be homeschooled throughout high school.
She herself said that she has been praying about it. That she doesn't want to be exposed to sex, drugs, or alcohol. She wants to continue to have Christ at the center of her education and hang around like minded kids.
Now, I may not be the best qualified to teach Algebra 2, Chemistry or Shakespere, But you know what? I've taught her well in my eyes, My daughter knows Christ, she talks to him and walks along side him while making some of the most important decisions of her life and that says something!
In the midst of my bad days, when I wonder if i'm doing this whole homeschooling thing right. The days I second guess myself and call my friends to talk me down. I am in fact getting through to them, I am in fact teaching them the important stuff. The things they will continue to use throughout their entire lives.
I am so proud of my girl! I just needed to brag on her for a moment while I soak in a little victory.
Happy Sunday y'all
