With Easter, spring, mother's day, fathers day, etc. Just around the corner it seems, I figured I would show you some easy fun crafts to do with your littles.
The pictures below are just a peak at what we have done over the years!
at Lowes I purchased a few cheap pots and saucers. Using acrylic paint my girls made some with hand prints, foot prints, and even just painted pretty pictures with paint brushes.
We have given these with flowers inside as gifts to the grandparents, teachers and placed some throughout our home. The one pictured is probably 4 years old.
My girls loved doing this activity, and I love seeing the memory of a little handprint even years later♡
This was a gift my husband actually worked on with the girls. I received for Mother's day. I have this one with a sunshine and foot prints, I have a foot that's a fire truck (I was a fire fighter for years) because they are on canvas its not one of those art projects that get wrinkled or lost over time. I happily display it in our school room.
We always have about 10 canvasses of different sizes on hand. On a rainy day, a "Mom I'm board" day and everything in between, painting canvasses is always a hit in our home.
The bead cross picture below, my daughter Kiera made all on her own one day. Not only was I in love and proud with the design. But her creativity has grown so much.
The opportunities are endless on what you can use both beads and buttons for.
Sometimes I like to just put little bowls of buttons, beads, pipe cleaners, pop poms, etc and some glue, glitter. And let them create master pieces. (It's great for fine motor skills too!)
This one is always fun, we have made bouquets and individual flowers just for fun. They look great pinned on the wall.
All you do is take a pipe cleaner and wrap it around multiple layers and colors of tissue paper. Once it's nice and tight you some what wrinksle up the layers and angle them in the ways you'd like the flower to look. (More straight for tulips, somewhat full and poofy for a wild flower, small and tight for a rose) you get the idea.
These are so easy and the more paper layers you have the bigger and more full they get. They are beautiful!
We hit these cheap book shelf holders in a package of 5 or 6 for under $5 at Ikea. My kids had a blast making them for their school work in out classroom. The one pictured is one my horse lover Mia made. Kieras were full if mermaids.
Again I loved seeing their little personalities show through their art work.
This was a fun and easy activity they could do but also serves a purpose for the organization of our classroom.
Below are some pictures of just a few things we have done. Trust me it's just the tip of the iceberg. But with spring upon us, it's time for flowers, sunshine and crafting with the kiddos.
So grab some glue, markets, and anything else you can think of and let your imaginations run wild!