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Writer's pictureLaura

Homeschool is...

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

Good morning y'all!

In the midst of the chaos that we call the beginning of the school year. I wanted to take a few minutes to remind you..........

Homeschool is... so much more than books and worksheets...It is gaining knowledge through play and exploration, its experimenting what oil does in water, or watching how caterpillars turn into butterflies.. it's puzzles and blocks, hikes and field trips. It's cozy days in our pj's and cuddling up with mom while you read a book.

Remember learning comes in many forms!

Sure, we have days at our desks with quizzes and tests, workbooks and text. The days our kids are frustrated and we ourselves want to give up.

We have days of smiles and giggles, tears and stress.

Homeschool is daily unpredictability and also stability. It's the knowledge there is always someone there for you who loves you and wants you to succeed.

It's believing again that we ourselves can educate our children. Because afterall.....

Prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance in the nineteenth century, most education worldwide occurred within the family and community, with only a small proportion of the population attending schools or employing tutors.

Homeschool is a gift! I know how blessed I am. So I personally try to truly enjoy every minute of it. Yes even on the more difficult days.

For me homeschool had always been something I've felt called to do....But keep in mind, for many this year, that very thing I see as a gift was thrust upon them without consent. They are new, scared, worried, wondering if its the right decision, wondering if they can even do it..... I’m here to remind you that you CAN. That it is ok to ask for help, it’s ok to NOT be ok, and it’s ok to go easy on yourself.

So go grab some much needed coffee . And remember.. You’ve got this mama❤️

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