Now I know not everyone on here is a Christian and thats ok. Maybe this post isn't for you......but for those who are, is there any greater calling than the one God has put us in the middle of? This answer took me a long time to realize. It's no! While we are constantly seeking the bigger and better things around the corner, we could be seriously failing at the little things happening right now.
I’ve personally aimed for the big dreams, the big calling, being the best at whatever I could. Be it different career paths or what have you... I’ve lost sleep over it! Wondering am I good enough? Have I truly amounted to anything? Am I setting a good example for my children? It took me a long time to figure out what I thought I wanted wasn’t what I needed. God already has me right where He wants me.
When you’re a stay-at-home mom or even a mom that has worked part time for the better half of your children's lives, Suddenly turned Homeschool Mom. In your head your life is literally the definition of ordinary. I have felt unnoticed, I have felt the lack of 20 best friends in that "perfect mom circle." Most people don’t understand what it is we do as a stay at home mom or even a homeschooler. After all, we do much of the same thing every day. Day in and day out, with the same little people. Yes, I feel you, and I understand if you feel like you live just an ordinary life!
However. Who are we to feel that Way? Isn’t that like saying we deserve more? Different? Better? Isn't that like saying to God, “Hey, You ripped me off!”🤔
You see, whatever path lead you to where you are now was all part of his greater plan for you. I for one have learned to embrace the moment I'm in. To appreciate the good even on the stressful and chaotic days when nothing seems to be going as planned, the days mommy is sick and wants nothing more than to sleep all day, the days where the kids argue and mommy loses her cool. Its all just a part of the journey. Am I perfect, absolutely not!!! I'd like to call myself a work in progress lol🤣
So whether you work 40 hrs while your kids are in daycare, stay at home and homeschool your children. Send your kids of to school every fall and to grammas house during the summer days. Its ok!
Just know he has a plan and even if you aren't quite sure why you are where you are, When it begins to unfold it will all make perfect sense.
Trust in him, grab some coffee and stay the course! You've got this mama!