Hey y'all,
Do you as a mom ever think to yourself that there are still things that you have yet to do for yourself, still dreams that you want to follow that you havent put 110% into yet. Because of work, running a household, meeting deadlines, ballet classes, playdates, homeschooling, spending enough time with your husband and children, etc?
Not to say by any means that those things aren't dreams of mine. Because being a Mom and a homeschool mom at that is a dream come true for me. Something i've wanted for a long time. I'd have a handful more kids if it was in the cards for me.
However, for years I have always dreamed of being a singer. No, I dont mean some famous pop star... but more so just singing. Every day! You know somewhere other than my shower lol. My kids hear me sing in the kitchen while im cooking or doing dishes, they hear me in the shower or in the car. They know its just something i'm passionate about. No formal training or anything, just a fun thing to do.
Well, Ive been thinking.... Who am I to preach to my children day in and day out about following their dreams, about working hard so they can accomplish anything they set their minds to. I mean shouldn't I be the one leading by example. Shouldn't they see me chase my dreams. Whether I fail or succeed shouldnt they see that I tried.
So that one day when they decide to try out for soccer, a local play or anything else that life puts infront of them, they just go for it! No hesitation! That they give it all they have because they saw their mommy do the very same.
They have seen me go back to school to become an EMT, to be told by someone that I could never make it through the schooling and training involved with becoming a firefighter as a girl let alone a 5ft 3 in of course I girl...So you know what I needed to do? Graduate at the top of my class, so I did! I was a proud firefighter for 5 years. My girls have seen me push the limits and challenege myself. Even if that means doing things that stretch far past my comfort zone.
So, Today I decided to inquite about becoming a member of a Christian band. Trust me when I say that my hands were shaking as I pressed send on the email......However, with that being said, I have an audition next week!
Sometimes there is so much more to homeschooling than pencils and textbooks. Sometimes life lessons far exceed anything you can learn in a simple classroom.
Remember to be that person for your children. Win or lose they will know you tried and it will give them the confidence to chase after their own dreams. To understand that in life not everything goes how we'd like it too. So we celebrate when it does and keep pushing on and not let it knock us down when it doesn't.
Now go get it mama! Chase that dream you know youve been holding back from, show your kids that they can too!..... and if you have time maybe send up a prayer or good luck vibes for this audition next week lol.
Here is just a little taste of what I have in mind......