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Writer's picture: Laura Laura

Good morning y'all,

I hope each and every one of you had a great weekend! Mine was busy thats for sure. My daughter got home from her overnight camp on Saturday, she absolutley loved it! I can't begin to describe the change that camp made on her.

Sure they went to the lake, they swam, they played field games and did all sorts of other "typical" camp activities. But its so much more than that!

She made friends, she made connections, she praised, she worshiped, she cried, she comforted, she studied the bible and she dove deeper in her relationship with God.

Let me take you back a little, my girls have grown up in church. Actually a few churches. Between moving and honestly just not finding the "ideal/perfect" fit for our family, we have tried a few. My kids have done sunday school, Awana, and attended church services. Through homeschooling our curriculums are even all christian based. We also do bible study every day.

Through all of that, they have learned scripture, to be kind to others and a hundred of other lessons, that only God and the bible can teach. This year they even decided to be baptised. But it wasn't until now, it wasn't until she returned home from camp that I saw a true change in her. She was grounded in her faith, she had a confidence and energy about her that wasnt there before.

She came home talking on and on about services, talking about how the teens at camp shared their life stories, the good, the bad, and everything in betwen. she told me how they cried on eachothers shoulders and hugged eachother through it. How they laughed and made friendships far deeper than she had experienced before.

She told me about how they praised there God, with hands raised high shouting out the lyrics of their favorite worship songs.

They didnt hold back, they were real and raw and growing closer to the Lord in doing so.

So, as I sit here just so proud of my girl, so proud of her deeper walk in Faith. I can't thank the church enough, the counselors, the volunteers, the fellow campers and anyone else that made this such a beautiful, wonderful experience for her!

So many parents can't wait to hear the stories of swimming, waterslides, camp food, and team challenges on the field, and honestly thats what I was so excited to hear. What I was looking forward to hear! But the stories that struck a cord with me the most and the stories that literally moved me to tears were the ones that were so much greater than what team one at volleyball or swimming races.

dont get me wrong, I am just as competitive as the next girl. Just ask my family about me and a simple game of Monopoly lol. But that seemed to go by the way side as she told me more and more stories.....

They were the stories where she earned 50 poins for her team without even trying because she was caught at a picnic table alone studying the bible, They were the stories of her comforting her friends after an emotional service. They were the random text from her counselor telling me what a special girl I have.

Camp is what you make of it, whether its sports camp, church camp or just a regular ole day camp. But there is no doubt in my mind that this camp was one of the best things that could happen to my little girl. I am so grateful for the experiences shes had and so proud of the young woman she is becoming especially in her relationship with God.

Now, I know that this is not really homeschool related and isnt like my normal posts. But this is mom life, this is my girl walking in Faith. This is everthing!



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Fueled by coffee saved by grace

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