Hey yall,
Exciting news, well sort of exciting sort of nerve wracking lol.
How many of you have small groups at your church? We have them for singles, couples, teens, mothers, men and everything in between. However, its been weighing on my heart that it would be great to have a Homeschool group. One where like minded moms can share insights, experiences and ideas. Where we can pray, teach and grow from eachother. Where our kids can play and have interaction with children that are raised with christian values and are homeschooled as well.
So what did I do? I wrote an email to the church hoping that such a group already existed. Today I got a call back from our Pastors amazing wife!
She informed me that no such group exists but that she thinks its a fantastic idea! Now in my head I was thinking I wanted to join such a group, by know means did I forsee her asking me to be the group leader and starting the group up myself! Hence the exciting yet nerve wracking part lol.
Though I feel a bit uneasy and nervous about this new adventure,I realize the best thing to do is pray about it and know that this is something that I felt called to ask about, perhaps me being a leader is part of his plan. Afterall, isnt it good to break outside our comfort zone sometimes? When we do that, sometimes, amazing things unfold that we never could have imagined while being tucked into our safe little bubbles.
At the end of the day, I am excited for the upcoming fall, To meet a plethora of other parents who are walking a similar journey as me and my family. To watch my children interact and make new friends who share our christian values and homeschool lifestyle.
Remember, If given the choice between the easy road or the one that seems a little more challenging, out of the box or just down right scary. Remember to have faith! Not all roads are paved, sometimes you need to put it in 4 wheel drive and enjoy the ride. For those roads tend to lead to the best destinations. Heck, im a Jeep girl it seemed like a good analogy lol.
So wish me luck on my new endeavor and pray that this is all I hope it to be and more! Have a great week yall!