Hey y'all,
I know I'm days late lol. But you know how it goes, Sometimes life just has you running. Though before I forget to mention it, I wanted to point out this amazing message our pastor shared with us last Sunday.
Our pastor was only 27 years old when he had an enormous vision of creating a service that would "change the way people think about church."
Having grown up in church his whole life. Dressing in his Sunday best, being told as a child to sit down and be quiet, everyone young and old attending Sunday school.
He wanted more.....
One day as he was serving at a local community church as the youth pastor, he saw a young man walking out of the church. He stopped him and asked where he was going, as service had yet to begin.
With his head hung low, the boy said "I'm not welcome here" The pastor responded, "everyone's welcome here, why do you say that?"
The boy said "That older man told me I can't wear my hat"
As he said that the young boy began to take off his ball cap to reveal his poorly shaved, blotchy head and grease filled hair.
The pastor immediately began to tell him it was okay for him to wear whatever he wanted.....the boy shook his head and walked away. Already feeling knocked down. Pastor never saw that boy come back to church.
It was then, at 27 years old, serving as the youth pastor. That he knew he wanted to make big changes.
He thought that if Jesus lead the sinners, prayed for the weak and the poor. Why should the house of God be any different. After all aren't we as Christians supposed to love and accept our neighbors. Not shun them away for a ballcap.
He decided to pitch his idea to 50 friends, family members and devoted members of the church he once lead. He began to tell them of this vision he had where children were loved and played with, where fun and laughter spilled from the childrens areas, all while learning the good news of Jesus. He told them that he wanted music that brought people to their feet, clapping and praising his name, a home where people felt accepted the second they walked through the door. While the pastor and congregation alike can show up in jeans and no ones cares.
A church that will do anything to bring its members into a life filled with Jesus!
He wanted to see people become a part of the church, not just attend on Sundays because that makes them feel good for the wrong they might have done during the week. But to recognize that we are all sinners trying to better ourselves through him. By showing up, giving back and investing ourselves whole heartedly to his purpose.
This resonated with me! How many times have I changed a church because MY needs weren't being met. Maybe the pastor wasn't preaching how I liked, or the music wasn't just how I liked it.
I attended church. I wasn't a part of the church.
When we think of our homes we think of comfort, a place to call our own, we invest our time to clean it, to take care of it and to pride ourselves in it. Well, why don't we see church as our home as well. A place we are welcome, take pride in and give back to any way we can.
Now, 18 years later you know what.....those 50 people who took a chance on this 27 year old, wide eyed man with a big dream. Have made that dream a reality!
Church isn't a "ho hum" let's go to church. It's a hey "I can't wait to go to church tomorrow", it's a sitting in my car on Wednesday night writing about it because what my pastor said has struck a cord deep in my soul, Its being welcomed at the door with the most friendly smiles and dancing to music that reminds me of a front row seat to K-Love. It's my daughter (age 11) walking out of children's group with the biggest smile on her face not being able to contain her excitement as she tells us of all the fun she has had. It's youth group night for my older daughter and other teens, literally running up to the doors of church as they laugh and gleam looking forward to what the night holds.
I thank God for the vision of something new. I thank God to have given our pastor the strength to go against the grain or "social norm" and and create an amazing space we can all call home.
As the pastor made perfectly clear, no church that puts God at the center is wrong. Hymnals and suits are perfect for some people, after all thats what he and I have both been used to for years. But this house that brings God into so many of our homes is something extraordinary. I am so proud to be a part of even a speck of its 18 years.
I just felt the need to share, the story of a young boy who made a ripple, he may know nothing about.....
Stand up for what you believe, it could change the world.