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A little perspective

Writer's picture: Laura Laura

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

Good moring y'all,

Ever have one of those days where you just cant seem to get out of a funk? Like one thing sets you off for the day and no matter how hard you try to reel yourself back in, you just cant seem to get there? If you are reading this and in your head, youre saying "no", kudos to you!!! I need to have more of whatever coffee your drinking in the morning. As for me, I try to be in an optimist, set a good mood for the day and for my kids, I try to be polite to others and follow the Golden rule im always preaching about to my kids.

Though sometimes, life hits you and things just get to you. Heck, sometimes they arent even big things. But for whatever reason, they just strike a cord with you.

Well, that was me a couple days ago... I was in the Wawa with my girls grabbing a quick treat when someone out of the blue came up to ask "Why on earth are these kids not in school, its not a holiday!".... Like really?

My anwser of " oh they had school already, they are homeschooled" was clearly not the anwser she was hoping to hear either. As she huffed and walked away mumbling under her breath. I felt at a loss.

I wondered who she thought she was? I mean what kind of person appraches a mom and her children as if its any right of hers to know.

The mama bear in me doesnt understand why its anyone elses buisness why my children arent "in" school. but the Christian in me knows that sometimes people are quick to judge what they dont understand.

So I guss just because im in my feelings, I figured i'd clarify a few things....

  1. Why are you not in school?...Homeschoolers are proud of their decision and though the vast majority of the general public school goers seem to have a hard time accepting whats different, my children are doing well. We do subjects like Math, science, spanish, geography, US history, bible studies, media, creative writing and more on the regular.

So, when you see us at a playground, gas station or even walmart in the middle of the day, rest assure we arent just home watching tv all day and raising uneducated children. We can do all that your children do in a day in far less time. Educate yourself!

2. Come on is homeschooling really worth the cost and time?.... Ummm, basically your asking if me spending each and everyday with my children is worth it. YES! id say its worth it. Most parents spend 8 hrs away from their children during the day while their children are in school and they are in work. Then shuttle them to sports where coaches have them. You see them for dinner and maybe if theyre lucky a quick bedtime story.

I have a much different day! I wake up and enjoy my morning coffe with my girls, we do school work and truly interact with eachother, we go on field trips, play outside, enjoy nature, go grocery shopping. Infact since ive started hmeschooling I hae found my patience to be better than ever. I honestly am embracing my children and slowing down. Life is full of running around, homeschool allows us to take the day as it comes, together.

As far as the money aspect of homeschooling, it doesnt need to cost a lot of money, there are so many resourses online that offer free online programs or even free printable material. Though we dont choose to go this route and prefer a more traditional/book approach neither way is wrong or expensive if you know where to look. With the hundreds or even thousands of buy, sell and trade groups available online. You can buy used books in great shape for amazing prices!

3. How on earth is Homeschooling benefitting your child?.... This is a loaded question that I could personally go on and on about, because in my personal opinion the reasons are endless.....

Just to name a few

~Homeschooling allows a more direct role in my childrens life, in turn building stronger relationships between me and my children.

~It gives me peace of mind knowing that my children are learning and developing skills that are in line with our personal values as a family.

~I can teach them while on vacations, in the car, anywhere!

~My kids can still get lenty of peer interaction and socialization through Rec sports, youth groups, homeschool groups, playdates, etc.

~My chilren will get far less ridicule and social pressures that reduce self esteem and discourage learning.

~No bullying and far less exposure to sex, drugs, alcohol !!!

~They learn real life skills, that they wouldnt learn inside a public shool classroom.

~My children can learn at their own pace, moving more quickly through areas they understand and taking more time when needed in areas they struggle with.

~Homeschoolers tend to perform better on standardized test and get accepted in to colleges all over the country, just like any other child.

~I get to personalize my curriculum to my childs interest. example, my oldest daughters science class this year is Anatomy and pysiology.

~Homeschoolers tend to show more pride in their work.

~Children tend to progress faster in homeschool environments than they do in public schools due to the indivisualized attention and less distractions.

So, to all you mamas out there that homschool and have had this happen to you. Perhaps you are stronger than me and can easly let it just roll of your back. Get it girl! trust me hen I say that I wish I was more like that. I am just tired of the judgement, tired of peoples lack of knowlege creating this uncanny ability to judge and actually approach us about our way of living. About our families decision to do what we believe is best for our children.

I mean, I could never go up to a parent and child at a school bus stop in the morning and say. "Why on earth are you sending you child to public school?" I mean can you imagine? That would be crazy! The nerve alone....But somehow people do thing s like that to us as if its just a normal question.

I asked this question in a Christian homeschool group, How do you respond to negative comments like this and one of the moms said that when her child was 11 or 12 years old a woman walked up to herand asked her why she wasnt in chool and without hesitation turned the question around and said "well ma'am its the middle of the day, why arent you at work?" YESSSS! haha I mean is that a Christian response, perhaps not. Afterall, we arent supposed to judge others. However, sometimes you just need to give people some perspective!

So here is my perspective. Be kind, dont judge, raise good humans and above all remember that Golden rule you were taught as a child? Follow it! To all those who have been in my shoes, stay strong, no one said the path less traveled was going to be easy!



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Fueled by coffee saved by grace

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