Good morning y'all,
This morning I found myself attacking our school room trying to reorganize some things. As I was doing that I couldn't help but think that this is by far my favorite room in our home!
Yet, one of the cheaper rooms to decorate. So I decided to write up a little blurb about some great things found at the local dollar store....
Storage bins- whether it's mini milk crate style, plastic baskets with handles, or cute colorful cups to store pencils, markers, etc. They have such variety in colors, styles, shapes, etc. We have baskets for folders, crayons, markers, paper, morning baskets, and more.
Clothes pins and hemp twine- This is a great way to string up art, motivational quotes, pictures and more around your class room space.
Writing paper- For little ones who are starting to write, this large lined paper is great for showing where capital and lower case letters fall. We used a lot of this when my girls were younger. Even now practicing cursive with my youngest.
Poster board and 3 panel display boards- We love using these for projects. A great cheap way to let the kids imagination take flight on whatever subject you need.
Construction paper and spiral bound notebooks- because let's face it, we can never have enough!
Plastic paper covers - We use a lot of these whether it's covering important papers, essays, charts etc. These are a great way to keep your papers protected in your child's binder.
Posters, flash cards, paper clocks, award certificates- This covers a whole little section in the dollar store, so many options for different age groups. Everything from punctuation, alphabet, multiplication tables, etc.
Styrofoam balls- We are studying space. Need I say more lol. These were great when we made out solar system models.
Binders- You'd be surprised at how long these little single subjecy binders last and how many colors and prints they have. Something for everyone and makes your work for each subject easily accessible.
Post its, highlighters, staples, hole punch, and other odds and ends- If you are looking for a quick all in one trip you can get many of your everyday basics for your classroom here. Pens, glue sticks, pencils and more.
In today's world full of lockdowns and face masks, I try to avoid big box stores when ever I can. So I find myself going to places like the local dollar store that have far less people and offer a lot of what I need in one quick stop.
Now go grab a To-go mug of some coffee and happy shopping!