Hey y'all,
Today we were sitting in our school room doing our lessons, like truly enjoying them! We did science experiments, Art projects, made diagram skeletons and labeled bones for our anatomy course.
Now mind you, it was also one of those days that I needed about 3 cups of coffee before 9am lol.... but regardless it was a light and fun day. We laughed, we played and just enjoyed not only school but eachothers company! Everything seemed to be silly and apparently my girls thought it was hilarious to get me to laugh until I spewed coffee all over my desk lol, all while catching it on camera! how lucky am I ya'll lol.
Do you ever have those days where its not all buisness? Its not all about math facts, essays and vocabulary words. But rather learning through fun and making memories as the room is filled with love and laughter!
I know that sometimes as homeschool moms it gets stressful we try to meet that bottom line. We question ourselves. Are we teaching enough? Are they retaining enough of the content? Are they getting enough social interaction with their peers? and the list goes on and on.
But in the middle of all of that, we need to remember that we are doing enough. That no math concept, essay or science project is ever going to trump raising our sons and daughters to be kind, loving, hard working and dependable. Its just as important to focus on character and life skills as it is anythig youll find in a textbook.
"Start children off in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it" Proverbs 22:6
"Children go where there is excitement. They stay where where there is love."
According to the National center for education and statistics the average number of hours in public school day is 6.64. This doest iclude the bus ride to and from school. The average number of days in school year is 180. Which adds up to a little under 1,200 hours per year. This means that by the time that the children graduate high school they have spent close to 15,500 hours away from their parents.
Think of how much time, how many memories, how many laughs, how many hugs, watching the first time they grasp a new math concept after struggling for weeks, or the first time they build a volcano on their own, I am so blessed to have the thousands of hours spent with my children. Raising them up in faith, love and more silly times than we can count. Instilling the values of the Glory of God.
So, today as I laughed so hard with my girls that coffee spewed out of my mouth, like some sort of coffee volcano all over my desk. My mind takes an instant photo that i'll forever store in my minds memory bank, I will happily soak in the silly, laugh at the little things and cherish everyday!